Thursday, August 22, 2013

Not your typical internship

First day semi-candid shot

I met the other girls of the Change is Simple staff at an elementary school in Beverly, where I experienced my first program. I was a little nervous when I pulled into the school parking lot, not sure what to do now that I had arrived, or exactly how I would be helping with the program. Luckily I saw someone wearing a Change is Simple shirt, and went over and introduced myself to Kelly, meeting Hannah soon after. It was a bit intimidating, trying to help with a program that I, along with the kids, was also learning for the first time. But the two girls and Patrick were really helpful, giving me tasks to do and explaining the program to me. By the end of that day, I felt like I had officially become part of the team.

Since the very beginning, the Change is Simple staff has been very welcoming and helpful. Even though I didn’t know a lot about the nonprofit’s beginnings or its programs, I was still able to contribute from the very first day. In fact, my perspective as an outsider coming in has been very helpful. The staff would come to me wanting to know what questions I had as someone learning about Change is Simple for the first time. What could have been perceived as a weakness in other internship settings, being new to and gradually learning more about Change is Simple has actually been a strength. The team here has been supportive in fostering this view, and very appreciative of the contributions I have made throughout this summer.

Very quickly I learned that Change is Simple is not the typical internship experience. There are many reasons for this, but the major one is that we are not merely coworkers here— we are more like a family. Now that this summer is drawing to a close, I truly feel that I have become a part of this little, but growing, family. I am so grateful to the staff for this amazing experience, and for welcoming me with open arms. It makes it even more difficult saying goodbye, but I do so knowing I am always welcome back. We will see where life takes me!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Necessary Sacrifice

The Belmontes are constantly working on Change is Simple. They will pick up things at yard sales, discuss new T-shirt designs or games they could incorporate into programs, and brainstorm new ideas for lessons. Change is Simple is not something that Patrick and Lauren just do on the side; it is their life, their passion. But what surprised me the most was when Patrick and Lauren mentioned that if Change is Simple became financially unsuccessful they would sacrifice the rest of their personal resources to travel across the country and show up at schools, teaching their programs for free and hoping to raise support that way. 

Now that Change is Simple is one of the recipients of the Cummings Foundation grant for $100k, it seems unlikely that the Belmontes would have to resort to that radical plan. But it is amazing that this couple would risk all rather than quit on Change is Simple. Even though I wrote a blog a few weeks ago focusing on their passion for Change is Simple, I do not think I understood the full extent of their dedication to it. I recognized that they had invested much time and money towards this organization, and would continue to do so. But I did not realize that they would be willing to risk it all, even after their nonprofit has not found the success they needed to keep it going.

They are not alone. Hannah and Kelly, the other two members on staff at Change is Simple, also made sacrifices for the non-profit by volunteering for the first several months that they were involved. Additionally, there are many more people involved who have given in various different ways to this non-profit.

What enables the Belmontes and others to make such sacrifices for Change is Simple? The answer is simple— their focus is beyond themselves and their lifetime. This rising generation of students is the one that will face the world’s environmental issues. By teaching our students and children about environmental care, we have a chance to stop unsustainable practices and to make changes for the better. Already we are witnessing positive changes because of the awareness Change is Simple’s programs have raised.

The Belmontes, and many others, know that Change is Simple is a worthy cause, and are willing to make the sacrifices needed to make it succeed. Will you?

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Update: Change is Simple has Moved!

This past week Change is Simple went through a big transition. Thursday we packed up our Hamilton office and drove everything over to our new office in Beverly. After spending the past few days cleaning, assembling shelves, and organizing bins, we are starting to settle into our basement floor office at 8 Enon St.

The Railroad Ave. office was Change is Simple’s very first office, which the nonprofit has worked out of for a little over a year. The move might have been a little sentimental or sad, if all of us were not already so excited for the amazing space we were moving into. There are many more advantages to this space: multiple windows, rooms for storage and an office, and even a patio with space to grow a garden. Additionally, there is a huge open area where Change is Simple hopes to host fun events and hold after school programs.

Even though we have a little more work cut out for us in getting everything together in the new space, already the feeling is unanimous; we all love the new office!

Photos coming soon!