Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Making a Difference that Matters

(Governor Patrick with students)
When I started this internship back in June, one of the first things I found impressive about Change is Simple was the recognition it has received within only a few years. Not only has Governor Patrick personally attended one of the programs and given his support, but Change is Simple has also been recently honored with a major grant from the Cummings Foundation.

I was curious to personally observe what made Change is Simple so successful. The concept of teaching environmental and sustainability lessons in schools using hands-on activities seemed like an awesome mission, with a lot of potential for positive impacts on the community. But I couldn’t help from wondering how much practical difference these lessons were making. Did the students really understand the information we presented? And would they actually change and take action as a result?

At the end of each Change is Simple program there is a short question and answer time in which we review and check their comprehension of the main lessons, and then allow the students to ask us questions in return. Some students take advantage of this time and enjoy asking creative specific questions. They obviously took a particular interest in the program, and were inspired enough to want to learn more. I was blown away by how much these students already knew and did that was environmentally conscientious, and I am excited to think about the potential impacts their awareness could have in the future.
Many students in the younger grades like to share personal stories during this time. One kindergartner told us that when her family was at the beach she stopped her mom from throwing out a plastic water bottle, telling her to recycle it instead. A few showed off their reusable water bottles and sandwich containers, and talked about changes they had made based on lessons from the previous programs we have taught them.

It is clear to me that not only are students understanding and remembering the lessons they have learned, they also have been willing to make changes because of them. Change is Simple has been successful and growing these last few years because it accomplishes what it sets out to do: instilling environmental and social responsibility through education, and inspiring individuals toward action.

Change is Simple is making a meaningful difference, one student at a time.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Passion to Action

Passion. This is a term that is frequently thrown around in daily life. We are encouraged to “Be passionate!” and “find our passions,” but what exactly does that look like?

            Even within the short time I have been involved with Change is Simple, it is obvious that for Lauren and Patrick, Change is Simple is their passion. From their daily energy and enthusiasm, to their personal dedication, the Belmontes are a true example of a couple that has found their passions, and are actively pursuing them. Change is Simple, Inc. is not just a hobby or occupation to them; it is the realization of years of work and thought dedicated to making their dreams and aspirations a reality.

Patrick Belmonte with a class
The first indication I had of their genuine passion for Change is Simple was the joy Patrick and Lauren bring to it. At my very first program with Change is Simple Patrick turned to us and said, “I can’t believe this is work. I would love to do this every day for the rest of my life.” His energy and liveliness with the class moments later was proof enough that what he said was true. Again, a few weeks later at a program in Beverly one third grader asked him what his favorite part of Change is Simple was. Without hesitation Patrick responded, “Being here with you guys.” From proudly displaying the classes’ thank you notes in the office (written on homemade recycled paper), to intentionally encouraging disabled and special needs students, the Belmontes’ enthusiasm is evident in many little ways.

Gov. Patrick and Lauren Belmonte
            Not only is their work with Change is Simple something they enjoy, it is what the Belmontes have dedicated much time and effort towards. Some of the Change is Simple staff joke that Patrick and Lauren don’t know how to have fun. “Their idea of hanging out for an evening is working on a grant together.” While Patrick and Lauren admit that grant writing is not how they would prefer to spend their evenings together, they are not afraid to sacrifice some of their time and effort now for their future goals. 
           They believe in Change is Simple, and their dedication has lead to measurable results. In the last few years, Change is Simple's programs have reached approximately 5,000 students in various Boston and North Shore elementary schools. Due to the recent grant from the Cummings Center, all elementary schools in Salem and Beverly will receive Change is Simple's programs for the next two years. Even with these great accomplishments, the Belmontes recognize Change is Simple has the potential for much more, and are willing to invest and do as much as they can now. 

Although I just became involved with Change is Simple in the past few months, watching Patrick and Lauren’s passion has made it easy to work alongside them and become passionate about Change is Simple as well. Beware: genuine passion is contagious.

Catch the passion: see what we are up to on our website or like us on our facebook page!