Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Change is Simple update

We have been lazy on the blogger because things have been soooo busy. Since our last post we have really been working hard.
  • We have educated over 1,000 students including 120 in Costa Rica!
  • Spoke to juniors and seniors at Merrimack College.
  • Brought environmentally responsible practices to events, diverting 93% of the waste from those events. 
  • Recovered over 300 gallons of litter from Beverly's downtown area.
  • Collaborated with many other non-profits and businesses. 
  • Was awarded a small grant from the Danversbank Foundation. Those funds will educate 250 students.
  • Moved into a new office. 
  • Hired an awesome intern, Welcome Kerry!
  • Trademarked "Change is Simple", claimed changeissimple.com (in addition to .org). Yep, the phrase "Change is Simple" is ours! And we are keeping it :)
  • Sold shirts with fun environmental messages to people all over the USA! Thank you to all our customers.
  • And so much more... 
We are so passionate about Change is Simple, Inc. and truly believe in the mission. We need your help to make it all fly! If there is anything you think might be a help to us do not hesitate to contact us. We truly appreciate your interest and support. We hope that there is so much more to come!
And remember, change is simple...

-Patrick & Lauren

pbelmonte@changeissimple.org - lbelmonte@changeissimple.org